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Skin-care routine for oily acne-prone skin that really works

skin-care routine for oily skin home remedies - acne-prone skin

Skin-care routine for oily acne-prone skin
Skin-care routine for oily acne-prone skin that really works for everyone.
Are you fighting with skin-problem?
Are you fed up with the advice of "so-called experts" on youtube and still didn't get any result. it has been a long day by changing your cosmetic cream for your skin but still, you have acne on your face.
Relax I can feel you and remember one thing you are not the only one who is going through all this shit.
I know healthy and glowing skin is an important part of our life. A lot of things depend on this, whether it's your career or your love life.

How poor skin with acne affects your personal life

Well, poor skin with pimples and acne does not affect your life directly but it does in a different way. let me explain it.
Confidence is the key factor for your social and professional growth and healthy-glowing pimple-free skin may play a vital role to enhance the level of your confidence.
Especially if your a high school or a college student, you are going to suffer a lot from the inferior complex(which is just in your mind).
The more you are going to think negatively about yourself the more your mind is going to play with your confidence. 
Skin-care routine for oily acne-prone skin

yup, it is a fact if you have healthy and glowing skin then you would not make any excuse when your buddies taking group picture, you would not cancel the plans for the weekends because you are confident about your look.
I think it is no a big deal and acne at teenage is quite a common thing but it is our responsibility to take care of our skin in a proper manner.
with healthy and acne-free skin you would not feel underconfidence in the office meeting. your confidence would be at the next level when you will be giving a presentation in your office and you would not make any excuses for the video conference.
all these factors make an impact in your professional life that you can not deny. Everybody wants good skin whether you are a man or a woman.

skin-care routine for oily skin home remedies

Face wash, skin cream, and other cosmetic products work but they are not a permanent solution. according to the study of the national library of medicine use of cosmetic products that contain harmful chemicals that harm your skin for a long time.
would not it be better if you go with some natural things and is it not amazing if you just change your little bit lifestyle to get your desired result
in this post, I have mentioned some important things that you should immediately stop if you are seriously want to get rid of your acne.
I have also given some easy tips that if you follow with consistency then for sure you are going to see a huge difference in your skin in upcoming days.
so here we go.

Top 3 things that are bad for your skin

# 1. Say no to oily and deep-fried food

A lot of skin problems are caused by your eating habits of unhealthy food. If you are fond of eating junk, junk food that is deep-fried and excessive oily that skin problems like acne and pimple would be a regular part of your life.
This not only leads acne but makes your skin more oily and we have experienced that oily skin looks less fresh and makes you feel tired.
You go to the washroom and wash your face to reduce the oil from the skin but after some houres, your skin began to look oily again.
So don't your thing you should change your habits and avoid eating oily and deep-fried food that cause you problem like this.

# 2. Do not use cheap and unauthentic beauty product

Cheap and local products may cause several skin problems like rashes, allergies, and even wrinkles. Please use this type of product after having a look at its review. Be careful before using any chemical-based product because it is a matter of your soft skin.

# 3. Stop poking your pimple and acne

Poking and touching your pimple and acne or other rashes with your nail may lead to more infection. continuously poking can give you more acne and this is not going to end.
More acne will give you more rough skin and I am sure no one wants poor skin. So stop doing this if you really care about your skin.
stop being a night owl.

Skin-care routine for oily acne-prone skin

# 1. Drink penalty of water

Drinking the penalty of water will lead more pee and this will help you to detoxify your body from toxic elements. Drinking a fair amount of water will make your skin more healthy and it will enhance your skin tone as well.
You can take it as a 30-day challenge and notice the difference in your skin. I am sure you will get glowing and acne-free skin by doing this.
Drinking water means stay hydrated all day. you can take orange juice, lemoned, coconut water, etc to get a positive result.

# 2. Eat food rich in Vitamin C and antioxidant

The drinking penalty for water is not enough, you have to make some more efforts by adding Vitamin C and antioxidant food in your regular diet chart.
Foods like asparagus, Dragon fruit, oranges, pomegranate, grapes, and berries can fulfill the requirement of all the essential vitamins and antioxidants in your body.
So why are you waiting for? go and get add all this food in your diet plan.

# 3. Wash your face twice 

Washing your face twice or I must say thrice(do not forget washing your face before going to bed). Washing your face with a good face wash (aloe vera or neem face wash is most recommended) will wash out all the dirt and pollution from your face.
looking fresh is important whether you are at work, at home or anywhere. It will help you to look more active and attractive. It will reduce your laziness and fatigue.
so washing your face twice or thrice in a day is most recommended.

# 6. Use aloe vera for skin problem

Aloe vera is one of the best plan or leaf which is loaded with antioxidants, essential vitamins( K and E), and possess anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. According to some research and study, it is proven that aloe vera contains antifungal and antibacterial properties.
all these elements can make fabulous to improve your skin health. aloe vera gel reduces the black spots, works well on Dark circle, works as cleansing for your skin, kills the desires that responsible for pimple and acne.
you can use aloe vera gel on your skin and take aloe vera juice in the morning.
drinking aloe vera gel can work best for your overall health.

# 7. Drink buttermilk regularly

This is my personal Experian and I know none of you going to believe in it but I really do not care cause it works for me and I am happy with its result.
Maybe it would not work for you but I would suggest you give it a least one try.
I used to take better milk every day, sometimes with mild spices(jeera and pudhina) and some time with a spoon of sugar.
I love buttermilk I used to drink at least 2 glass every day for months. I noticed that my skin tone was improved and all the dark spots and circles were not there.
I tried this several times and got the same result each time, so that is why I am recommending this for your skin problem.

# 4. Sleep well

Sleeping is very important for relaxing your mind and body. Proper sleep reduces your stress level and it helps in relaxing your muscle as well.
A night of proper sleep reduces the dark circle and gives cure the wrinkles.
so, if you really care for your skin then a proper sleep should be on the top on your priority list.

# 5. Do not take over stress

Takin so much stress always makes a negative impact on your physical and mental health. Well, there is not any scientific or proven fact about the relationship between stress and skincare.
But I would recommend you stay away from stress because stress can make look more aged. stress lead to the process of aging.
so better you stay away from overstressing for you physically as well as for your mental health.


All the tips and trick that I have mentioned in this blog post related to skincare is based on my personal experience. By using my ideas and tips you can also improve your skin health and achieve an acne-free face. Simple skin-care routine for oily acne-prone skin can give you amazing results, you just need to be more consistent with this routine.
If you guys are having any allergy or other medical issue then it is highly recommended to consult your doctor or any Dermatologist.


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